
的Gerry-Mander. A new species of Monster which appeared in Essex South District in Jan. 1812.

的Gerry-Mander. A new species of Monster which appeared in Essex South District in Jan. 1812. 较宽的一面
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The legend of the gerrymander came into being in 1812 at a meeting of Federalist political leaders and newspapermen in Boston. Complaints about the efforts of their Jeffersonian Republican opponents to rig state elections by altering voting districts led artist Elkanah Tisdale to add a head and wings to an outlined map of a new senatorial district in Essex County and name it the “gerrymander” after the leader of the Jeffersonians, 埃尔布里奇·格里州长. While a different map of 麻萨诸塞州 that outlines the district in the context of Essex County shows that the district was not grotesquely misshapen by the standards of modern gerrymandering, the cartoon shocked the public and proved very effective.

Gerrymanders, Mugwumps and Other Political Animals

麻萨诸塞州 has added a number of interesting and colorful terms and phrases to the political lexicon such as "mugwump,“所有的政治都是地方性的。,和“战利品属于胜利者”," but none have had the enduring resonance of the "gerrymander"-- the term given to the political tactic of dividing election districts to make the votes of the party making the division (the gerrymander) count the most, and the votes of their opponents as little as possible.

The practice of gerrymandering in America long predates the invention of the term, but the 麻萨诸塞州 law that gave rise to the name dates from 11 February 1812, 埃尔布里奇·格里州长, 杰斐逊派共和党人, signed a reapportioning act that heavily favored his own party in upcoming elections in the closely divided Bay State legislature. Several different Federalist opponents of the new law are credited with coining the term "gerrymander," and the cartoon has been attributed to a number of early American artists including Gilbert Stuart and Washington Allston. 然而, 在十九世纪末, when there still was (almost) living memory of the origin of the term, John Ward Dean presented the text of a memorandum in the pages of the 新英格兰历史和家谱登记 that attributes the term to the outcome of a dinner party at the home of a Boston merchant Israel Thorndike in February 1812, 以利加拿·提斯代尔在哪里, 微型画家, drew wings on the salamander shaped map of the new Republican-leaning election district in Essex County.

The gerrymander cartoon was widely reprinted often accompanied, 就像这次侧舷一样, 通过喜剧诗或政治评论的线条. While his Federalist opponents sarcastically noted that the "monstrous" shape of the new election district "denominated a Gerry-mander, a name that must exceedingly gratify the parental bosom of our worthy Chief Magistrate," there is little evidence that Governor Gerry was the author or even a strong supporter of the redistricting law. 具有讽刺意味的是, the gerrymander did not save him from defeat for re-election in 1812, although it worked so effectively for the Republicans that while the Federalists won a majority of the popular vote, they won only a third of the seats in the legislature.


公平与否, Elbridge Gerry's name always will be linked to the gerrymander, 政治密谋的术语. He had a long and distinguished career as a statesman and diplomat during the American Revolution and the early national period. 他是一个来自马布尔黑德的商人, 麻萨诸塞州, 生于1744年, who emerged as a political leader before and during the Revolution. Gerry was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia. Although he refused to sign the Constitution because of his strong Anti-federalist views, 他后来表示支持. He served in the United States House of Representatives where in 1789 he proposed founding the Library of Congress, and later as a diplomat to France in the administration of John Adams during the XYZ Affair. A supporter of Jefferson, he was twice elected governor of 麻萨诸塞州 (1810-1811). He was elected vice president under James Madison in 1812, and was serving in that post at the time of his death in 1814.


一个多世纪以前, John Ward Dean observed that "the initial of the governor's surname (G) has the hard sound of that letter, and the g in gerrymander should also be pronounced hard. As this word was coined in Boston, Bostonians have an interest in the pronunciation of the word." 牛津英语词典 总结了“英语”的发音, “杰瑞曼德”是“错误的”," but all of these protests appear to fly in the face of now long-accepted popular usage; Elbridge G他给了世界“Jerrymander."


詹姆斯·奥斯汀. Life of Elbridge Gerry: with Contemporary Letters. 波士顿:威尔斯和莉莉,1828-9(2卷).).

乔治·比利亚斯. Elbridge Gerry: Founding Father and Republican Statesman. 纽约:麦格劳-希尔出版社,1976.

约翰·W·迪恩. “弄虚作假." New England Historical and Genealogical Register. 卷. 46, no. 1(1月. 1892), 374-383.

Elbridge Gerry Papers, 1706-1795. Microfilm edition of the papers of Elbridge Gerry drawn from various collections at the 马萨诸塞州历史学会. 7 reels; please see the online 为缩微电影版寻找帮助. The MHS also holds a collection of photocopied letters that George Billias assembled and used in writing his biography of Gerry, 埃尔布里奇·格里信件(影印本), 1745-1853; please see the online 为影印的信件寻找帮助.

埃尔默·C·格里菲斯. 选区划分的兴起与发展. 芝加哥:Scott, Foresman and Co., 1907; reprinted, New York: Arno Press, 1974.

Natural and Political History of the Gerry-mander! :分两章,删节. (麻萨诸塞州?: 1823].